February 2012 ~ ScriptsSnippets

Sunday, 26 February 2012


In order for a web application to be Complete we need a database platform,A Server to execute server side Scripts and to store our files. Instead of downloading this packages Separately and installing them individually these are available in a Single Package.Point to Mention here is they are available free of Cost.This can be Downloaded Separately from Apache: http://apache-http-server.en.softonic.com/Mysql: http://www.mysql.com/downloads/ WAMP WAMP - Windows Apache MySql Php Wamp is for windows which includes the the Apache server Mysql and Php that for optimised for the Microsoft Windows OS Download link for WAMP: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wampserver/files/WampServer%202/WampServer%202.2/wampserver2.2c-x32.exe/download  ...

Order to be followed when Learning Web Technology/Web Application

1.HTML/XHTML: The first thing to learn in Web technology is html.Html lets us allow design web pages,without html there is no way we can create a web page. XHTML is an extended HTML,it is just an extension of HTML,we can call it a Strict HTML in which we have to strictly use doctype in our pages and other restrictions.One can use W3 Schools to learn html. 2.CSS: CSS- Cascading Style Sheets The Next thing after learning HTML one must learn is CSS CSS offers Web Designers to Style their HTML Pages. It Allows us to design layouts for our page. 3.JAVASCRIPT: Next in the order Comes JavaScript It is a premier Client Side Scripting Language Almost all Browsers interpret JavaScript Its use to add Programming to our static web pages W3 Schools...

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