2012 ~ ScriptsSnippets

Monday, 5 March 2012

Two Flower VLC Media Player

Two Flower VLC Media Player  VLC Releases its newer version of its Popular Media Player,the Two Flower VLC Media Player. With faster decoding on multi-core, GPU, and mobile hardware and the ability to open more formats, notably professional, HD and 10bits codecs, 2.0 is a major upgrade for VLC. Twoflower has a new rendering pipeline for video, with higher quality subtitles, and new video filters to enhance your videos. It supports many new devices and BluRay Discs (experimental) Two Flower Fixes Sevral Hundred Bugs And After all that its free,portable and supported on all Platforms Download Link :http://www.videolan.org/vlc/releases/2.0.0.html Thank u for reading this  Article hope it was useful !-RegardsScriptsSnippet...

PHP Session

PHP Session A cookie recides on the users web Browser and may be suited for storing small amount of information and for limited concern on security. When we need to store a considerable amount of information we use session and we have a Security advantage of session being stored on the web server itself which is more secure than a Cookie on the User's Browser. PHP allows us to use Sessions by a Session Variable which is a 'Super Global' , It holds information about a Single User. Sessions create a Unique Id for each Visitor and stores variables based on this UID SESSION STARTFirst we must start up a Session before using it to store User's Information Session Start Snippet <?php session_start(); ?> <html> <body> </body> </html>...

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Login Logout Snippet PHP

PHP Login validation and logout Snippet Login.phpThis is the login HTML page wit a Username and Password text field and a submit button    <form action="verify.php" method="post" >  <tr>    <td>UserName :</td><td><input type="text" name="username"      value=""/></td></tr>    <tr>  <td>Password:</td><td><input type="password" name="password" value="" /></td></tr>  <tr><td /><td><input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" /></td></tr> </form> Verify.php This is the PHP script specified in the Form Action of the HTML Page,whose primary purpose is to authenticate a user...

Sunday, 26 February 2012


In order for a web application to be Complete we need a database platform,A Server to execute server side Scripts and to store our files. Instead of downloading this packages Separately and installing them individually these are available in a Single Package.Point to Mention here is they are available free of Cost.This can be Downloaded Separately from Apache: http://apache-http-server.en.softonic.com/Mysql: http://www.mysql.com/downloads/ WAMP WAMP - Windows Apache MySql Php Wamp is for windows which includes the the Apache server Mysql and Php that for optimised for the Microsoft Windows OS Download link for WAMP: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wampserver/files/WampServer%202/WampServer%202.2/wampserver2.2c-x32.exe/download  ...

Order to be followed when Learning Web Technology/Web Application

1.HTML/XHTML: The first thing to learn in Web technology is html.Html lets us allow design web pages,without html there is no way we can create a web page. XHTML is an extended HTML,it is just an extension of HTML,we can call it a Strict HTML in which we have to strictly use doctype in our pages and other restrictions.One can use W3 Schools to learn html. 2.CSS: CSS- Cascading Style Sheets The Next thing after learning HTML one must learn is CSS CSS offers Web Designers to Style their HTML Pages. It Allows us to design layouts for our page. 3.JAVASCRIPT: Next in the order Comes JavaScript It is a premier Client Side Scripting Language Almost all Browsers interpret JavaScript Its use to add Programming to our static web pages W3 Schools...

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