PHP Session ~ ScriptsSnippets

Monday, 5 March 2012

PHP Session

PHP Session

  • A cookie recides on the users web Browser and may be suited for storing small amount of information and for limited concern on security.
  • When we need to store a considerable amount of information we use session and we have a Security advantage of session being stored on the web server itself which is more secure than a Cookie on the User's Browser.
  • PHP allows us to use Sessions by a Session Variable which is a 'Super Global' , It holds information about a Single User.
  • Sessions create a Unique Id for each Visitor and stores variables based on this UID

  • First we must start up a Session before using it to store User's Information
Session Start Snippet

<?php session_start(); ?>



Note:The session_start() function should be included before outputting any HTML content


  • A Session variable is created by the variable $_SESSION
  • We can assign any name to a Session variable
      Session Variable Snippet

// store session data


//retrieve session data
echo "The Author of ScriptsSnippets is=". $_SESSION['name'];

The Author of ScriptsSnippets is Sathesh


  • If you want to unset a particular Session variable we can use the unset() function to remove the value from the session variable
Unsetting a variable Snippet


  • When you do not need any of your Session variable and our aim is to completely destroy the session then we use session_destroy() function.
Session Destroy Snippet


 Thank u for reading this  Article hope it was useful !


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